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We are back & I am speechless...

>> Monday, February 9, 2009

Luke and I just got back into town! I will give everyone a detailed update and some footage as soon as I am able. I cannot even begin to describe the "many" ways in which our God blessed us this week. Let me start everyone with a quick email I received from a young Christian who attended the winter camp:

I went to your winter camp this weekend and I had an amazing time! I have been a christian basically my whole life and have lived my life for Him, or so I thought. Your sermons really helped me to open my ears and listen for the Lord. I realized He wanted me to change some things in my life, but I didn't know what. On Saturday night, during your sermon, I felt God tugging on my heart and speaking to me. He revealed to me what I needed to change in my life. Then when we went to worship, I broke down crying because I felt God there with me, and He broke me with His presence. I rededicated my life to God that night and when we went back to the cabin, I wrote down a prayer. In the prayer, I prayed that He would use me to witness to others. Then today in your sermon when you were talking about being bold in your faith, I felt God tugging at my heart again. I am praying that He will use me to witness to someone else, or set an example. I just wanted to thank you for an amazing weekend, and for helping me listen to God.
In Christ,
Elyse S.

I am in absolute awe of how great our God is.


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