Douglas Wilson on end-times (commercial free!)
>> Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Check out the audio for this very special episode of Redemption Radio (sponsored by Calvary Addiction Recovery Center). I interview our special guest Douglas Wilson who is a well-known author/pastor/theologian and Christian Apologist. He has debated Dan Barker from the freedom from religion foundation and he and Christopher Hitchins had a very well-done movie made about their debate tour called "Collision"-- you should definitely pick-it-up.
In this broadcast we look at the issue of eschatology or the study of last-things otherwise known as end-times stuff. What we say may actually shock you. Doug wrote a great little book called "Heaven Misplaced". I share the same view of end-times as Wilson (postmillennialism) and it is not very common but I believe is the most faithful to the text of God's Word and will excite you and change your view of the future. Have I peaked your interest yet? Check-it out! I believe this episode will be very helpful to many Christians.
Pastor Luke Pierson also joined me and helped with the show-- his beard was also present in the studio. :]
Soli Deo Gloria
Jeff Durbin
Here is the audio:
You can also download it directly here: