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Christians arrested in Dearborn!

>> Saturday, July 17, 2010

Recently, some of our brothers in Christ were arrested in Dearborn for doing nothing more than having a peaceful conversation with some Muslims at a public event. These brothers were loving, peaceful and respectful. And yet, even though they were legally allowed to do all that they were doing, they were arrested by the Dearborn police department! They are being brought up on charges and the Dearborn police and Mayor are actually lying about what took place.

The police made a mistake. They gave our brothers back the video of the actual events. Here is the video. Please join us in contacting the Dearborn police and mayor's office. Let them know that what they did was unconstitutional and that Americans are not going to stand for this kind of behavior. Our laws protect us from this kind of abuse of power. The video displays that the police are lying about the events that occurred. There was no riot, screaming or anything else that would have necessitated their being arrested.

Please, pray for our brothers that are being persecuted for their love and faith in the Savior.

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