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"Out of Mormonism Radio" part-two and a very important note!

>> Thursday, May 26, 2011

I was a guest on a radio program called "Out of Mormonism".  It was a two-part program focusing on reaching Mormons for Christ.  Here is a link to the show.

Check out what God has been doing:

1.  We have numerous baptisms coming up in a couple of weeks!  Should be somewhere around 10.  Praise God!

2.  Last week's service was awesome!  We had a bunch of new people.  We are growing in amazing ways.  God is so good!

3.  I've been given a unique opportunity to be on the  local Christian radio station KPXQ weekly for Calvary Rehabilitation facility for a 1-hour weekly show discussing drug and alcohol addiction from a biblical perspective.

4.  A major television network is doing a new show on drug and alcohol addiction and I am scheduled to be interviewed to discuss the Christian approach to addiction and healing.

5.  We have a possible debate that is being scheduled with Vocab Malone and I against two local Atheists at the end of the summer.

6.  We are continuing in prayer for a discipleship house for new believers that need extra-care as they turn from their addiction.


1.  We are presently in need of prayer and financial help and support.  We are experiencing amazing spiritual blessings and tons of fruit as God is saving many people.  However, like many small ministries like ours, we are struggling financially to make ends meet.  We are asking the Lord for an immediate need of $10,000 to help us get current and take care of some very critical financial needs.  Any help you could offer would be GREATLY appreciated.

2.  We have our wishlist of some current ministry needs on  when you purchase from our wishlist the items are sent directly to us.  Thank you!

3.  Please consider fasting and praying for us.  God is blessing us and we need brothers and sisters to intercede for us in prayer.  Bless you!

Thank you so much for your kindness and gracious support!  We can't wait to rejoice with you in the presence of God in eternity over all the amazing things God has done through your giving and praying for APOLOGIA CHURCH!

Jeff Durbin

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