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Atheist Documentary- Will you help us make it?

>> Thursday, March 8, 2012

As many of you already know, because of the gracious giving of God's people we are headed to the "Reason Rally" in Washington, D.C. at the end of this month. The Reason Rally is being billed as the largest gathering of Atheists in history. That sounds delicious. Yes. We're going. And we are thrilled for the opportunity to proclaim the Good-news!

We have some exciting news: We are planning on filming a documentary of our encounters and providing a video that Christians can use to get equipped to reach the new-Atheists with the Gospel! This is where we need your help (and we need it as quickly as you can give it!). With this very exciting plan for an unprecedented video (we plan on having some well-known scholars and scientists on the film as well)we have some additional costs that we need help with. We need to bring along someone who is a fantastic photographer to film so we will need help with their airfare, hotel and also some additional costs for the video equipment. We are keeping our costs at bare-bones level.

We need to raise the money for this outreach and for the film as soon as we can (the costs of the flights are rising daily). We are a small ministry that has very limited financial resources. But, God does big-things through this ministry- many of you can attest to that.

So here we go:

We need to raise $1,100 additional funds for this ministry project. We would greatly appreciate your help. Perhaps in the past, you've seen an opportunity to bless us and considered giving? Please, use the tab at the top-right of this page to donate to this ministry project. If you have any questions please contact us. We believe that God can use this project to lead many people to Him! We'll let you know our progress as you guys give!

Thank you for your graciousness!

Your fellow servant,

Jeff Durbin


God has blessed us with the money for our work! Praise God! And thanks to all of you who gave towards this work. Your giving is so helpful and we are so thankful to Him for your sacrifice!

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